Instagram Tips

Instagram Tips


Below are Rosie’s top 5 tips when using Instagram.

Growing your Instagram does not happen overnight. It takes dedication and complete commitment, its so easy to get disheartened but I'm telling you your hard work and constancy will pay off!


1) Content.


The content you share on Instagram needs to be true to who you are and what you or your business represents. When a client, friend or regular member of the public heads to your page they need to be able to read and see what they are getting. If you're a fashion stylist don't post pictures of other peoples cars. make sure you are giving your followers a variety, video’s, quotes and flat lays should be mixed with your selfies. keep your content interesting and people wanting more.


2) Timing


Timing your posts is so important. It will take time to test and measure, but you will find there is a time to post hat gets you the most interaction. first thing in the morning say 8am then again at school pick up time 3pm and then at 8pm are usually whats good for my Instagram. I try to stick to those set times to post to get the most out of it. 


3) Hashtags


Using Hashtags is always a good idea when you're first starting out. Instagram allows you to use a maximum of 30 in one post. Use hashtags related to your post and business, but don’t use the same ones over and over again. If you do use the same hashtags for every post, Instagram tends to pick up on it and wont show your post to as many people. so a good 10 hashtags that are creative and different is a good way to go.


4) Use Your Insta Story.


Make good use of your Instagram story! the story feature is a good way to show your followers a bit more behind the scenes action leaving your feed for your best pics. Your story is what will make people want to get to know you and your business come back for more.


5) Don’t like your own pics


As much as an extra like is great, its not worth it to like your own pic. you think people might not notice but believe me they do and its just a big no no.

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