New Years Resolutions

I can’t believe that there are only two days left of 2017!! This year has gone way too fast. I’ve had such a challenging yet rewarding year with work and my career and am so thankful for everything I've been able to achieve.

This year our youngest little human started her first year of school and our oldest had her last year of primary school. We faced challenges and overcame them as a family and we are looking forward to the new opportunities that 2018 will bring. This leads me to the topic of this weeks blog about New Years Resolutions. 

i’m not one to usually make any New Year’s Resolutions, maybe the same ones that most people I know make; “I’m going to get fit”, “eat healthier”, “exercise more”, but I've never sat down and actually set out a resolution that I have the intention of sticking too.

I am one to make goals throughout the year and work towards them which I think is important. I like to stick them on our pin board in the kitchen so I can see them every morning. 

I thought though, this New Years I would have my goals sorted for the year and pinned up, along with a New Years Resolution. Of course I could make a resolution to “Blog more” and “Stress less” but I want something a little deeper and more meaningful this year.

I have a bunch of career goals, family goals and self goals that I want to achieve. We always sit down with the kids before the school year starts, write down what they want to achieve throughout the year and make sure to pin that up on the board for them to see when they come into the kitchen, which is about a thousand times a day looking for food!

I always try to be a kind person and part of my message has always been to sprinkle kindness everywhere.  This year I want to take that a step further, I want to do more acts of kindness to make others lives that little bit better. So this year is my Year of Kindness. I’d love to hear your New Years Resolutions and how you're going to stick to them and achieve them. 

If your track record for keeping them is as good as mine, below are some tips and tricks to think about and help you to stick to your New Goals for 2018;

1. Make your resolution realistic, there is no point setting yourself up for failure. 

2. Sometimes its a good idea to set incentives and consequences for sticking to or breaking your commitments.

3. Take small steps in the right direction, later on in the year you'll look back and realise how far you’ve actually come.

4. Don’t make too many resolutions and overwhelm yourself. 

5. Make sure you congratulate yourself on successes, no matter how small you think they are.

Choose to be kind and happy in 2018,

Love , Rosie

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