Guest Blogger - Clair Hill - What inspires me

Guest Blogger - Clair Hill - What inspires me


What inspires me?


My own story inspires me; I love sharing through stories. And the courage that it takes to step into the stories and create a new life. We heal when we see and hear what other souls have been through. We can sometimes feel a little less lonely and a little more part of the human race. As humans, all we want is to be part of something, to belong. When we experience trauma it can be a very lonely place, so I motivate others by sharing what I have been through, in the hope that it gives people courage to show up and start their own journey to healing. I give people an opportunity just to start, wherever they are, whenever they are ready; my favourite quote is “tip toe if you must, but take the step”.


I have learnt so much about relationships, friendships, family, trauma (trauma can be anything big or little that happens to us in our lives), and myself. I have really peeled back-and am continually peeling back-the layers to find and align with my soul’s purpose. I am following the universe’s map to wherever it plans for me to go. It took a long time for me to let go of believing I have control, and to recognise that what we truly do control is actually so minute, and that-if we only allow it to guide us-the universe always has something bigger and better planned for us.


I learnt these lessons over years and years, but it is so important that you meet yourself where you are right now. Do not think that you need to be anywhere but where you are, because right now, you are learning valuable lessons that are guiding you to your own awakening. You just have to open your heart, your eyes and ears, and follow. Trust that we have the most amazing internal GPS already within us, our intuition. Intuition is very patient, it will wait as long as it needs to for you to discover it and begin to listen. 


Life is truly simple; we overcomplicate it by overthinking, concerning ourselves with ‘what ifs’, and being trapped within our stories. The way to find freedom is to simply step into the pain a little and unravel yourself. When we start to unravel, we start to see and feel clarity, and you get a glimpse into the whys: why certain things happened the way that they did; why you feel unworthy; the list goes on. Create your starting point and go from there. 


Look for your divine team of people to help you. My team was a beautiful psychologist for four years working through all my ‘stuff’ and then, after I had grown a lot and needed a little more help from someone who aligned with me, I found a spiritual coach. She helped to develop my clairvoyance and the mediumship parts of me. This was scary because I was showing the world a new version of myself. Most people supported me, and I learnt that the ones who didn’t weren’t for me. This was another tough lesson that took me a while to get my head around. 


I started reading for people as part of my journey. It felt great to give people guidance and validation that what they were feeling was the right thing for them, but there was then a gap in guiding them and giving them all this information and then them putting it into practice in the real world. To try and remedy this gap, I completed Louise Hay’s ‘Heal Your Life Teacher Training’ and Gabby Bernstein’s ‘Spirit Junkie Masterclass - Level 1’ as well as many other short courses on spirituality and philosophies to live that can guide you through just about anything in life, and I head off to the USA in October to complete ‘Spirit Junkie Masterclass - Level 2’!


Fast forward three years and that’s how my business started. Through Clair Hill Coaching, I can offer the coaching element as an additional step after having a reading, if the person is drawn to go on that journey. I also have added Reiki Healing as a beautiful way to give people the unconditional love that they long for. Love is such a powerful tool. 


Clair x

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