Rosie Luik

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Tips For Setting Goals

Tips for Goal Setting

Goal setting is something I struggle with, I'm always worried I'm either aiming too high or not high enough. Here are some tips that have helped me set both my personal, family and business goals. Goals are a great way to give yourself direction and motivation; also keeping you accountable to yourself. If they are written down and on display it’s easy to keep motivated and on track.

1. What Are Your Goals?

The first step is deciding what your goals are, I find it easier to distribute goals over three categories; Business, Family and Personal. Making something you really want in life a written down goal not only gives you direction but it increases your motivation and the ability to achieve them.

You need to discover what it is specifically that you want, what you are passionate about and what your vision is. If you don’t know the answer to this you can start by writing down the things you enjoy, your strengths and see if you can come up with anything related to these things. Consider thinking about what you don’t want; this can be easier than trying to figure out what you do want. Once you work out what you don’t want, you can list ways to make sure that doesn’t happen and these become your positive goals.

2. Be Real

It’s so amazing to dream big and I encourage everyone to do so; I also encourage you to be realistic and don’t set yourself up for a fall. If you can’t sing for the life of you (like me) there is little use making international pop star your end goal; having said that, book those first few singing lessons and see how it feels for you! Be true to yourself and discover what you really want. Don’t waste your efforts chasing someone else’s dreams. Unless you are genuinely passionate about something, doing it for the right reasons and it brings you happiness, it will be hard to stick with it when having to overcome the countless obstacles in your path.

3. SetGoals Within Goals.

Once you have your vision and big picture goals you can then plan on how you are going to get there; this requires setting smaller goals. This creates a manageable process and can avoid you feeling overwhelmed, stressed out and frustrated that you aren't nearing your goal quick enough.

4. Set aTime Frame

Setting a time frame is important as it holds you accountable, set your five-year goal but also set a time frame for the smaller goals, it feels so good when you can start ticking boxes, measure your progress and see that you are on your way!

5. Celebrate

When you look back on your goals every day, week or month you should
see progress no matter how small it is; it’s progress! Small steps in the
right direction are better than no steps at all. Celebrate those small steps and how far you've come, be proud of yourself for even making those first few steps. It helps to have a genuinely supportive group around you to share your goals with and acknowledge your milestones and celebrate your successes with. 
