Rosie Luik

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Podcast Recommendations

Podcast Recommendations

Below I've put together a few of my favourite Podcasts to listen too. from parenting to motivational, these ones are worth taking the time to listen too. 

Parenting Podcasts

One Bad Mother -

A funny Podcast about motherhood and how unnatural it is sometimes. A weekly podcast that deals with the thrills and embarrassments of motherhood.

Unruffled -

Respectful Parenting - Each episode addresses a reader's parenting issue through the lens of Janet's (The presenter's) respectful parenting philosophy.

Spawned -

Candid Parenting culture discussions, non judgy, tips and a good dose of humour. Hosted by Liz Gumbinner and Kristen Chase. Definitely one to listen too.

The Birthful Podcast -

Tried and tested tips and tools to use during and after baby.  topics such as breast feeding, bed sharing, circumcisions to VBACs. 

Mum and Dad Are Fighting -

Gabrielle Roth, Rebecca Lavoie and Carvell Wallace share triumphs and fails and offer advice on parenting kids, from toddler to teens.

Motivational Podcasts

The Tony Robbins Podcast -

Why Live an Ordinary life when you can live an extraordinary one. 

The Daily Boost -

This motivational Podcast is great for a daily boost. get inspired and master life skills. The daily boost has been on iTunes top ranked self help program since 2004

Happier with Gretchen Rubin -

The number one best selling Author of of the Happiness Project. Gretchen gets personal and brings practical, manageable advice about happiness.

Courageous Self -

Confidence - The Courageous self confidence podcast features stories, core concepts and practical inspiration for gaining courage and self esteem.

Optimal living Daily -

the best content on personal development, minimalism, productivity and more. the best blogs are narrated to you.