Rosie Luik

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5 Tips For Starting Your Own Business

5 Tips For Starting Your Own Business


Starting a business is something exciting, especially when its a passion and something you've wanted to do for a while. It can be a little overwhelming though, so here are 5 tips to help get you started. 


1 - Surround Yourself With The Right People.


Having supportive and encouraging people around you is so important, being around negative people who are jealous, condescending and always bringing you down will take its toll on you, your confidence and your mindset. Being around like minded people who are striving to achieve their own goals is key. Make sure you're open to receiving constructive feedback from people who've been there before and make sure you have people who can challenge you in the right way, realise your own worth and make sure you respect everyone else's.


2 - Write Down Your Goals.


Goals that aren’t written down and don’t come with a plan are just dreams. Make sure your goals are written down and hang them somewhere clearly visible, somewhere you can see them every day so they can keep you motivated. Set goals for the month, six months ahead, a year ahead and five years ahead. Keep challenging yourself and remember to celebrate the small wins and goal achievements. Remind yourself of how far you have come not how far you have got to go.


3 - Start Social Media Platforms.


One of the best things you could do for your business is start Social Media platforms. Make sure you have a website and an Instagram account. Facebook and YouTube are also great options, depending on the type of business and clients you're attracting. If you're starting a blog, a nice crisp easy to read site is always a win. Make sure you link all of your social media platforms back to each other so you can be found easily and can cross promote. You can’t sell a secret!


4 - Network.


Whether it’s at networking events, women's events, online through Instagram and Facebook. its important to be networking with like minded people. You are your own brand ambassador, be  passionate about your business and your brand. Keep the momentum and motivation up by attending as many events in your industry as possible, meeting new people, exchanging business cards will get your name out there. Reading is also key, never stop learning about your craft, there is always something new to learn and share.


5 - Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone.


This can be the hardest thing to do, it’s also the most important and the most rewarding. Challenging yourself and taking small steps to do things that you wouldn't normally do gets you motivated, creates opportunities and starts such a positive momentum that you'll never look back.